Someone at Pascucci loves me! |
Well, the last couple days have been crazy. I love life in Italy, but I am always exhausted. Thank God for Pascucci's caffe latte's! Besides Saturday's lecture and tour for school, my weekend was pretty relaxing, thank goodness!
My dream ride! |
On Thursday (10/18/2012), I celebrated Kamryn's birthday with a little shopping with my friend Maddie. I treated myself to a new purse as a birthday present in honor of Kamryn's life. This was very comforting since I couldn't be with Kam or my family to celebrate her 13'th birthday! Maddie and I ended up walking about 5 miles that day, so I relaxed and did some homework the rest of the afternoon. Later that night, my friends Hannah, Maddie, Kathy, Kendra and I enjoyed some red wine and cheese at one of our favorite ristorantes here in Roma, Ciro Ciro. It was so nice to just relax and have a little girl talk and "wine a little" after a busy week.
Happy 13'th Birthday, Kamryn! |
Friday night was very chill as well. After class, I was able to relax for a bit. I have been so sleepy lately, so I got to take a nice nap. I NEVER NAP. There must be something in the air here. After my nap, my friends Hannah, Mackenzie, Shannon and I went to the beach to relax for a bit. It was an easy ride there, but our true Italian skills were tested on the way back. Our train was experiencing technical difficulties, so we had to take a series of buses to get home. It was a little hectic, but I was very proud of the 4 of us in the end! Since we had to wake up early on Saturday morning for tours, I hung out with my friends Maddie, Kendra, and Kathy in their room. We watched a movie and painted nails. Typical girl stuff that you can never get too old for. We enjoyed a glass of sweet white wine together and then got some much needed sleep.
Photo courtesy of Hannah Ziegeler |
Entrance of an Etruscan Tomb |
Saturday was a very long day. We started our lecture/tour day at 7am! Mamma Mia! We took a two hour bus ride out to Tarquinia, Italy to see some ancient Etruscan tombs. I bet you can only imagine how interesting this was. Thank God for the beach break we got in the afternoon. We were given a couple hours to hang out at the beach in Tarquinia where we took many pictures, ate gelato, and enjoyed the Tyranian Sea. Later that day we went to Cerveteri, where we saw even more tombs. I don't know what more I can really say about this, except for I was DEAD tired by the end of the day! Get it? Dead? Tombs?
Fake Etruscan body to represent the layout of the tombs. |
A larger Etruscan tomb made for a family. |
Hannah, Kendra, Maddie and I |
Karli, Kendra and Maddie |
Kendra, me, and Maddie |
Sunday was a pretty relaxing day as well. I got to sleep in for the first time since the last Sunday which felt amazing! After I woke up, I studied and had lunch with Maddie and Kendra. I later relaxed in my room, taking yet another nap! I don't know what has gotten into me! I haven't napped this much since I was an infant! I later hung out with my friends and had dinner with them near the Pantheon. Well, there is my week in review! Nothing too interesting yet, but just wait until November!
*RIP Ziqi-You will be greatly missed by your SMC sisters! Once a belle, Always a bell! We love you!*
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